BOT and Our Policies

We have a dedicated Board of Trustees who work together to help guide the school and support staff to have what they need to deliever strong programmes for all akonga. Our policies and proceduares are hosted online by School Docs.

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A Message from our Board

It is now almost 20 years since the introduction of Tomorrow Schools and the first Board of Trustees was appointed to Hampden Street School. Over this time lots of parents and whānau have worked to help develop and move the school forward by being involved in things like fundraising, supporting our school camps, attending school assemblies, helping out at sports events etc. We all play a part.

Working as a member of the Board of Trustees is another way in which parents can help to shape the future of our school and prepare our children for the challenges that lay ahead.

As a board we are first and foremost accountable for student achievement. Our children’s growth and learning is the center of all that we do. We aim to look ‘upwards and outwards’ and to set the direction that we, on behalf of the parents and community, want to see the school take. Words like; resilience, diversity, creativity, honesty, participation, responsibility, fairness, achievement, and respect will continue to drive this direction.

We want to ensure that all our children succeed. As a board our part in this is to ensure the strategy is right, that we have clear goals and expectations and that we monitor performance. This year we have worked hard as a team to revise our school charter and strengthen our efforts in six key areas:

  • Strengthening the partnership between school and home

  • Targeting improved student literacy

  • Promoting and developing the school within the wider community

  • Raising Maori cultural awareness

  • Boosting our Information Technology strategy

  • Establishing a physical activity culture within the school

This is very rewarding work and of course involves all of us in doing a lot of ‘cool and fun stuff’ along the way. Nothing beats seeing our children doing well and simply enjoying the experience of inspired and inquisitive learning.

Members of our current board are: Members: Sam Best (Presiding Member), Richard McLaren, Kathryn Jennings, Emily Parker, Nic Thomassen (Staff Rep) and Don McLean (Principal).

To contact our board email

To see our latest ERO Report - please click here.

Piki ake ki ngā whetū – Reach for the Stars